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- WEEK 40 - Five (5) of my Favourite Things Now
WEEK 40 - Five (5) of my Favourite Things Now
Week 40 and I'm determined to make this issue a fun one XD. So here are my favourite things for now.
Week 40 and we’re into the final quarter of the year, Halloween month at that! Just coming off my birthday week (ok fine, it was about two weeks ago by this time), I thought this week’s issue could be a fun one, talking about my favourite things now. I hope you’ll enjoy this list as much as I did putting it together!
1: My Pop-Trance-Alt-Rock-Podcast Playlist
Nothing really gets the blood pumping and ideas flowing (at least for me) more than shot of exercise, or music and/or podcasts that somehow trigger something in your energy levels. I might be able to better write in silence in the mornings, but my night-writing requires a bit more of a push. So here are my mainstays in my playlist so far:
Sky Full of Stars (Coldplay)
The Adventure (Angels & Airwaves)
Better this Way (Cherri Bomb)
Overwatch Remix - Trailer Theme Epic Orchestral Remix (Neil Acree & Laura Platt)
Generator (Doomtree)
Hikari - Kingdom Hearts Theme (Taylor Davis Cover)
Deinen Pappa 3 (Or the Intro theme of Flux LE) (Reptile & Sky)
Fantastic Baby (BigBang)
The Message (GE Podcast Theater & Panoply)
Serial (Serial Productions)
Within the Wires (Night Vale Presents)
2: Helumi Voyage 2022 Planner

September tends to be planner season and I was wondering if I should try out other planners… until I saw the weekly to-do pages and the better pages. They have two other paper planners with other formats, and digital planners coming soon. Do check them out at @helumi.co!
What is giving you a lot of joy now? Share them in the comments!
3: LITO Academy
With their lessons and coaching curriculum on mindset and mental hygiene - as creatives and individuals, this mastermind is still, hands-down, the best investment I made this year. This year is still all about mental hygiene and practical skills, so I’m grateful for this community that just brings out the best and brightest out of our most authentic selves. Interested? You can listen to their public podcast here to have a taste.
4: Gather Town
I only say this now because I’m jumping into it while prepping for something for Unstable Directions: Chapter 2. Since I found out about it from Session Zero and the SingLit Station’s 5th Anniversary Party, I have been finding ways to incorporate it into hangouts or events. Looks like this pixel party is going to be closer than expected. Stay tuned ;).
5: Indie Puzzle / Escape Game / Story Producers
I made a promise to myself that I will play more Escape Room, Puzzle, or RP games on a more consistent or regular basis. Since my good friend, Raven Silvers, introduced Puzzletember to me, staying on the Escape Room / Puzzle track has been a lot easier. Putting aside the different styles, genres, and mediums (e.g. mail-order, puzzle novels etc…), the community of puzzle creators and enthusiasts are so warm and helpful - how else can you share hints to some of the most brain-bending activities? At the moment, I’m following these producers, I hope you find some fun with what they have to offer too:
ESCAPETHEROOMers - Reviews and News of all things Escape Room and Puzzles!
The Curious Correspondence Club - Organiser of Puzzletember
Extraordinary Investigations - Puzzle Novels!
Enigmailed - Postal Puzzles ending with sweet treats.
True Clue Games - Print-It-Yourself Puzzles (with a free download for the curious!)
Post Curious - Postal Puzzles set in various eras and realms.
Scarlet Envelope - Why won’t you follow a team that has a name like this?
Blue Fish Games - Subscribe to their Newsletter and get free puzzles every week!
Also, all of them are the nicest people you’ll meet. So while I’m looking forward to more puzzles and games, I am also grateful for the community Puzzletember has introduced me too (and thank you, Raven XD).
And that’s it from me! See you all next week =)
A wise person (okay, it’s John and Hank Green) said that we’re destined to struggle with our happiness until we come to terms with the fact that it’s something we can produce on our own. What makes you joyful? Recently or always? Share them in the comments!